Electric installation services:
1. Construction and commissioning of overhead line (CL), PS-10-35-110-220 kV of any complexity
2. Installation of electrical equipment:
- Gas-insulated switches VEB 35,110,220, gas-insulated current transformers
- TRG-35,110,220kV, gas-insulated voltage transformers ZNG-110. KTPN-6 (10) / 0.4 kV transformers TM, TMG, TSZ - 6 (10) / 0.4, CSGN-6 (10) kV, K-59, CSR-292, low-voltage electrical SCHO-70, PR, protection and automation cabinets, rectifiers, inverters, uninterruptible power supplies, as well as cables and wires of different sections and voltage class.
3. Electro-technical laboratory services:
- Cable tracing;
- Fault location in power cable lines;
- Burning of damaged power cable insulation;
- Testing of power cable lines;
- Testing of electrical substations and switchgears;
- Testing of oil transformers;
- Checking of the elements of grounding devices of electrical installations and measurement of resistance of ground loop;
- Measurement of metal-on-metal connection (presence testing of circuit and measurement of transition resistance between grounding of protection conductors);
- Checking the lighting protection;
4. Measurement of resistance of insulation of power and lighting networks:
Contact Information:
Electric installation shop: +7 (7132) 40-29-00 ext. 2128, +7-771-023-77-92
Legal address: Republic of Kazakhstan, 030011, Aktobe, 41 razyezd, building 324
E-mail: info@corp-in.com